

將都市繁點明火 幻化無境繁星
ㄧ束光劃破星空 創造神秘銀河
靜默在空間裡 沉澱孤寂的旅程
仰望無黠宇宙 此刻 停在安靜
Reorganizing the layout, redefining the space and integrating the needs of the owner
andimagination of the space, the designer takes Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture
as the starting point and apply them in interior design to create Free Design of the Facade,
Free Design of the Ground Plan, Horizontal Windows and Roof Garden; As for the Pilotis,
the designer transforms it to the extension of the ceiling height, setting the general direction
of the design concept.
Wood and rattan are used to create the sense of calmness for the low ceiling. Privacy and
ventilationare taken into consideration as well, separating the study room and living room.
Through the understandingof the past to imagine the future, one can create the future only
after he understands the past. With the new understandings of Le Corbusier's Five Points
of Architecture, extend it to interior space planning,then connect the times through the
understanding of material. What design changes is not reality but thoughts,and only thoughts
can change reality.Therefore, understanding the past,feeling the present and change the reality
are what we can do for future generations. 



❏ 都會雅痞風      ❏ 新成屋      ❏ 28坪
❏ 2020 中國金堂獎 傑出作品
❏ 2020 英國LICC finalist
❏ 2021 義大利A’Design Award 設計獎
❏ 2021 日本IDPA AWARD銀獎
❏ 2021 法國NDA榮獲金獎
❏ 2021 美國Muse Design Awards榮獲銀獎